Environmental sustainability based on Circular Economy for the transformative recovery of the enterprises of the Jipijapa Canton

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Gabriela Stefania Mora Pin
Mariana Liseth Delgado Segovia
José Jesús Pico Macías
Angie Belén Vélez Sánchez


The objective of this work is to carry out an analysis of environmental sustainability based on Circular Economy for the transformative recovery of the enterprises in the canton of Jipijapa, which are devoid of training and knowledge for a total recovery with a view to the transition of a model of Sustainable circular production and consumption. To fulfill this objective, a documentary analysis was carried out, consulting specialized literature on topics related to the studies of other authors and verifying the main problems presented by entrepreneurs for development and transformation, which evolving by optimizing the use of resources and promoting the efficiency of production systems, which contributes to guaranteeing economic growth, greater well-being of society and the preservation and improvement of natural capital. This situation is verified through surveys directed at a sample of 164 people with whom useful knowledge for sustainable environmental development was obtained based on the transformative recovery to follow and interviews with structured questions to the representatives of the enterprises of the canton of Jipijapa for the knowledge of the mechanisms that are applied for the sustainable environmental development that is carried out, for the transformative recovery with emphasis on the Circular Economy. It was concluded showing little knowledge on the subject, lack of training for entrepreneurs for sustainable environmental development and lack of knowledge of the advantages and good practices offered by the Circular Economy.

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How to Cite
Mora PinG. S., Delgado SegoviaM. L., Pico MacíasJ. J., & Vélez SánchezA. B. (2024). Environmental sustainability based on Circular Economy for the transformative recovery of the enterprises of the Jipijapa Canton. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 24, https://cu-id.com/1961/v24e16. Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/379
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