Pedagogical conception for educational institutions in the National Park Alejandro de Humboldt, Guantánamo

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Yamilka Joubert Martínez


The theoretical-methodological basis are presented about the pedagogical activity in multigrade primary schools of Alejandro de Humboldt National Park.   In social character of education and environmental education are considered as principal way in the relation school – protected area. The main objective of the research is the elaboration of a pedagogical conception that bases points of view, categories and methodological projection for environmental education in the Alejandro de Humboldt National Park in multigrade primary schools. A diagnostic study was developed to characterize the research object in its initial stage. The methods applied were theorical, empirical and statistical-mathematics levels. In this order and given the need to find solutions to the problems described, a methodology inserted in the management plan is offered based on the pedagogical conception elaborated of Environmental Education – protected areas in multigrade primary s and statchools, which constitutes a concrete way of expressing the modeling of this process; which is based on and explained through its structural and functional components, work is being done on the different forms and ways of Environmental Education, with the purpose of perfecting this process. The evaluation of the results of the proposal was submitted to the criteria of specialists for its improvement, and it was validated, preliminarily, by means of a pre-experiment, which demonstrated the viability, feasibility and effectiveness of the methodology developed as an objective solution.

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How to Cite
Joubert MartínezY. (2024). Pedagogical conception for educational institutions in the National Park Alejandro de Humboldt, Guantánamo. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 24, Retrieved from
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