GIS for asist the conservation strategies of protected areas in Camaguey province, Cuba

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Josefa Primelles Fariñas
Nereyda Junco Garzón
Grisel Reyes Artiles


The voluminous scientific information recorded for more than two decades from natural protected areas of the province of Camagüey by many scientific institutions, including the Center for Environment Research of Camagüey, was disperse in analogic format maps, monographs, papers, reports and photographs which made difficult its use for increasing planning management actions. This paper shows the design and implementation the geographic information system (GIS) "Protected Areas of the Province of Camagüey", which objects were to support the strategy of conservation and management of this territories. The assistance that this G.I.S. has offered to the research and development activities, management, divagation and environment education concerns protected areas in the province. This is a sample of the effectiveness of this technology for biodiversity conservation.

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How to Cite
Primelles FariñasJ., Junco GarzónN., & Reyes ArtilesG. (2002). GIS for asist the conservation strategies of protected areas in Camaguey province, Cuba. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 2(3). Retrieved from
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