Laws of law for sustainable tourism from the protection of natural and cultural resources
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Progress, the advanced stage of the crisis, the rise of tourism, environmental management and the laws of law for the sustainability of Tourism in Ecuador, are elements that make up the alignment of sustainable tourism from the protection of natural and cultural resources. . In this context, the objective of analyzing the laws of law in relation to sustainable tourism in Ecuador is pursued, for the good practices of the laws that are studied, a procedure for cooperation in the conservation of natural resources is detached. The research is analytical and descriptive because the constitutional and legal precepts of tourism in Ecuador are analyzed and described. In addition, useful information and knowledge is managed for the critical analysis and interpretation of data. The results obtained lead to the conclusion that tourism is a complex phenomenon that touches various economic, cultural, social, legal, and environmental perspectives, which deserve to be addressed, for the achievement of tourism sustainability in the areas that constitute a tourist attraction, specifically it deserves the protection of nature to configure the Good Living. This is given by the significant importance that tourism has in the Ecuadorian productive matrix, when considering basic macroeconomic indicators, such as the Gross Domestic Product and the generation of employment.
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