Behavior of the microbial population in a sialitic brown soil in two agricultural ecosystems

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Marisol Lafargue Savón
Albaro Blanco Imbert


The soil was collected in different agricultural plots of the CCS Mariana Grajales and in a farm in the town of El Peral, all under Sialitic Brown soil. Soil samples were taken from each plot and sent to the Guantanamo soil laboratory for agrochemical analysis. In the same way, a comparison was made regarding the amount of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes present in it, for which composite samples were taken at a depth of 0-20cm, which were sent to the microbiology laboratory of the Development Center of the Mountain, where the amount of microorganisms per gram of soil was determined. The quantification of these was performed by applying the method of quantitative dilutions and plating. The results showed that a higher population of bacteria was achieved in the worked farms compared to the populations of fungi and actinomycetes. The comparative study of the plots showed that those belonging to the farms of Jorge Luis Milián, showed the highest populations of total microorganisms followed by the plots of the Antonio Barzaga farm. There is a tendency towards the recovery of soil fertility in the different plots, with a better behavior for those dedicated to various crops. The established management systems showed an influence on the presence of these microorganisms in the soil, finding for the year 2020 an increase in the levels of microorganisms, with the best results for the soil dedicated to various crops.

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How to Cite
Lafargue SavónM., & Blanco ImbertA. (1). Behavior of the microbial population in a sialitic brown soil in two agricultural ecosystems. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 23. Retrieved from
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