Information System for the Management of Protected Areas

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Adrián Quintana Hernández


The National Center for Protected Areas, also known as CNAP, is in charge of the comprehensive management of the National System of Protected Areas (SNAP); the latter is made up of natural terrestrial and marine areas that preserve the most representative values of the country's biological diversity, which are managed by different organizations that are structured into provincial subsystems. The management of information related to protected areas is essential for the proper functioning of the CNAP; however, it is considered that the process does not meet the needs of the entity. This is manifested through slow and interrupted information flows; deterioration and loss of documents; unauthorized access to information; lack of correspondence, in time and content, between the information managed and the needs of the center; and the complexity of the statistical analysis process, which makes the work of decision-makers difficult. Because there is no system that provides improvements in the management of information associated with protected areas and knowing the advantages provided by computerization to information management; It is proposed to develop a solution to computerize this process in the CNAP. The proposal consists of a web application capable of guaranteeing the conservation, integrity and reliability of information on protected areas; secure access to it, its timely and pertinent recovery, and the automatic generation of reliable statistical reports, among other benefits.

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How to Cite
Quintana HernándezA. (2023). Information System for the Management of Protected Areas. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 23. Retrieved from
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