Social juvenile performances on the climatic change in the community of lemon grove. Guantánamo

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Mireidy Ramirez Trimiño
Miriam Crump Parris
Yisel Favier Sánchez


The investigation unrolled in Limonar's community of the municipality El Salvador, province itself Guantánamo. For the sake of identifying the social performances that the juvenile actors about the climatic change have . May  2022 was  accomplished during Enero's months.  From the point of view metodológico, you have an exploratory, descriptive character and experimental no. They evaluated aspects on the social recognition, changes of attitudes, behaviors, sources of information and you practice of consumption.  The request of cooperation that presented itself to young people, contributed problems what else they affect the society in the international contexts, nationals and in the community.  The text revealed the need of than for the better the actions with the actors he is young people necessary to deepen the knowledge of the social performances of the climatic change, granted that appreciations and criteria constituted primary source stops to lead the local low decisions, this focus, that in turn allowed advancing toward a process of resilience in front of the climatic change in this community. The investigation gave recognition to the modes and processes of constitution of young people's social thought and unveiled that it is necessary to accomplish work in team at the different scenes.

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How to Cite
Ramirez TrimiñoM., Crump ParrisM., & Favier SánchezY. (2022). Social juvenile performances on the climatic change in the community of lemon grove. Guantánamo. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 22(42). Retrieved from
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