Geologic, hydologic and hydraulic re-engineering of the climate change: situation and perspectives

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L.F. Molerio-León


The effects of Climate Change on the water regime requires an engineering approach different than traditional. Climate Change affects both water availability (too much or very scarce) and the hydrologic patterns in the broadest sense. It implies that the design and operation of the present and projected water works of surface and groundwater should be reevaluated. Due to the similarity in intensity and areal extension of the rainfall and runoff patterns with those of past geologic times the information of paleofloods should be incorporated. In territories of low seismic activity, information of paleoseisms and historic seismology should also be incorporated accounting for those cases where these two events are combined. The scope of these reengineering studies is described in this paper.

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Molerio-LeónL. (2022). Geologic, hydologic and hydraulic re-engineering of the climate change: situation and perspectives. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 22(42). Retrieved from
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