Parasites that affect Creole pigs on farms of coconut producers in Guantánamo towns

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Nancy Noa Lobaina
Marisol Lafargue Savón Aguilera


The research was carried out in the period from May to July 2020 in 40 farms of coconut producers under the conditions of small individual producers of Creole pig in the towns of San Juan and Guayacán, in the municipality of El Salvador Mabujabo and the municipality of Baracoa respectively, in the Guantánamo province, in order to promote meat production and improve the standards of this breeding. The objective of the investigation was to identify the parasitosis that affect the Creole pig in farms of coconut producers. In the first stage, interviews were conducted with producers to learn about the existing problems as a breeding system and the parasitosis that is affecting it. In the second stage, 250 coprology samples were taken in the categories of breeders, stallion, piglets and pre-fattening that were sent to the parasitology laboratory of the Mountain Development Center to confirm the diagnosis. Parasitosis were reported: Hyostrongylus, Áscaris suum, Metatrongylus apri and Coccidia. The breeding system is semi-intensive, a total of 98 producers and relatives were trained in the use and use of conventional antiparasitic treatments: Ivermectin 1% (Labiomec) and Levamisole 10%. As alternatives, the use of Mexican Chaya (Jatrophaureus) and White Rosemary (Bidens piloso lina and Purple Basil (Ocimum santum). Hygienic-sanitary measures and a good management system for the control of parasitosis were strengthened to avoid propagation in order to enhance meat production and improve standards in this breeding.Keywords: Creole pig, Parasitosis, treatments

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How to Cite
Noa LobainaN., & Savón Aguilera M. L. (1). Parasites that affect Creole pigs on farms of coconut producers in Guantánamo towns. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 21(41). Retrieved from
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