Strengthening of environmental capabilities in the CPA'S organopónico Jesús Menéndez

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Mireidy Ramirez Trimiño
Miriam Crump Parris
Aliesky Meriño Mayné


The research was carried out with the purpose of developing environmental capacities to increase the sustainable and agroecological production of food in the organoponic of the CPA Jesús Menéndez. It is located in the community of Carrera Larga, municipality of El Salvador. The work was based on research-action-participation, it was articulated with popular education techniques. The strengthening of environmental capacities in the social actors that intervene in the organoponic contributed to the increase of sustainable and agro-ecological production. It made possible the formation of an environmental ethic based on values and served as premises to guarantee active participation in environmental management, which allowed greater productive development. It made it possible to raise the active participation of the true protagonists of the process, from the generation of knowledge from their practices, and in them harmonize traditional methods with the requirements and demands of the development of science from agroecology.

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How to Cite
Ramirez TrimiñoM., Crump ParrisM., & Meriño MaynéA. (2021). Strengthening of environmental capabilities in the CPA’S organopónico Jesús Menéndez. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 21(40). Retrieved from
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