Inventory of flora for sheep feed in different locations in Guantanamo province
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In order to inventory the species of flora with potential for sheep feed, the following work was carried out in the Yacabo above and Cajobabo (Imías), Palenque (Yateras), Vilorio (Niceto Pérez) and Sabaneta (El Salvador) in the province of Guantánamo. 20 sampling points were randomly selected per area and the species of flora with potential for sheep feeding were determined, determining absolute and relative abundance. 32 species were reported, of which the carob tree (Ceratonia siliquia L), was the one with the highest incidence in the five localities, while the sweet and sour orange, búcaro, carob, mandarin, avocado, jagüecillo, flowered pinion, tamarind, mango, Leucaena, guásima and grapefruit were the most abundant.
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