Environmental educational intervention in the Protected Area Caletones, Ecological Reserve, Gibara municipality, Holguín.

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Kenia Medina López
Bárbara López Hernández
Sara Fernández Cruz
Raiza Elena Rodríguez Ramírez
José Rafael Escalona Aguilera


Environmental Education is the most effective means of raising public awareness of the need to preserve the environment and achieve a better quality of life in current and future generations. On these budgets was carried out the present work, whose objective focused on making an educational intervention in the community of Caletones, which the lack of knowledge of its inhabitants exerts strong pressures on the protected area "Caletones Ecological Reserve", identified as an area of national significance, being reservoir of flora and fauna, by the karst topography and endemic vegetation that it possesses. It is one of the most important migratory bird runners in the country and has one of the most important speleolacustre systems in Cuba in terms of morphological complexity and extent. The educational intervention was carried out with a high component of training in environmental issues related to protected areas, once this stage of educational work was completed, an evaluation was carried out with the aim of assessing the impact of educational intervention. The evaluation had a before and after, the coefficient of effectiveness was determined to be 77.7% cataloging itself as effective and satisfactory. This work promoted environmental education in the social actors of the community and helped raise awareness of the need to protect the environment.

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How to Cite
Medina LópezK., López Hernández B., Fernández CruzS., Rodríguez RamírezR. E., & Escalona AguileraJ. R. (2019). Environmental educational intervention in the Protected Area Caletones, Ecological Reserve, Gibara municipality, Holguín. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 19(37). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/277
Original Article


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