Modernization of surface irrigation to manage water efficiently.

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Rafael Martin Fernández
Osmel Alvares Huerta
Calixto Domínguez Vento


Irrigation by pulses is the discontinuous and alternating application of water to groups of furrows symmetrically located with respect to a control point. Its use has substantially revolutionized the technique of irrigation by furrows, which is the most used in the production of black tobacco cultivated in the sun in Cuba, and which is characterized by its low efficiency and low productivity of the water, of the energy and of the irrigation workers. In order to increase the efficiency in the above mentioned parameters, the effect of pulse irrigation was evaluated during two irrigation campaigns in the farm Santa María, municipality Consolación del Sur, in the Province of Pinar del Río, in Ferralitic soils of the type quartzitic yellow leached. The results obtained show that the total amount of water used, as an average in the two crops evaluated was 14,249 m3, which meant a reduction in total water in relation to the average of the previous 3 seasons where it was irrigated by the traditional system of 5 418 m3, achieving an application efficiency of 69 %, 19 % higher than the planned efficiency for traditional furrow irrigation systems. In the same way, the time to apply irrigation was reduced from 17.3 hours to 12.4 hours, and the workers needed for irrigation were reduced from 4 to 1, in addition to a decrease in the electric power consumption of 5 626 kW for each season.

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How to Cite
Martin FernándezR., Alvares HuertaO., & Domínguez VentoC. (2019). Modernization of surface irrigation to manage water efficiently. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 19(37). Retrieved from
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