Use of natural zeolite for Environmental Protection in Agricultural Areas of the Hanabanilla River Basin

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Wilfredo Espinosa
Yanoris Bernal


The work was carried out over five years, in five typical dairy companies of the Pecuaria Company "El Tablon". Cienfuegos. All bordering the Hanabanilla River. In these dairy farms, the Organomineral Natural (Zeofert) Fertilizer was manufactured and used and daily washing to the floor of the milking waiting rooms was suspended, with the aim of ecologically increasing agricultural yields, improving soil and eliminating the shedding of liquid contaminants to the Hanillaan River. For the preparation of the Zeofert particles of Natural Zeolitic Rock were scattered on the floor of the shaded naves and the waiting rooms for milking and mixed with the fresh excretas deposited by the animals. Daily water and electricity expenditure was measured. The fertilizer obtained was applied manually to the different crops at a dose of 25 tons.ha1. It is concluded that the application of organic fertilizer to the field: a) increased the average yield of the different crops by more than 52%.b) The recycling of nutrients to the soil and chemical improvement of the same in an area of 95 ha. was achieved, and the spraying of zeolite particles to the floor of the milking parlors with the suspension of daily washing c) Reduced the presence of flies by more than 50% in milking parlors. d) 45 625 M3 of polluting liquids with 293 tons of fresh manure were discontinued into the Hanabanilla River. e) 5.8 Mw of electricity and 45,600 M3 of water were saved.

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How to Cite
EspinosaW., & BernalY. (2019). Use of natural zeolite for Environmental Protection in Agricultural Areas of the Hanabanilla River Basin. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 19(37). Retrieved from
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