Environmental Education and Scientific Culture for territorial development

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Tania Medina Barrientos
Lilieth Dominguez Quevedo
Soe del Carmen Márquez Montoya


In order to enhance the work of the results in the territory in the Megacen Information and Technological Management Center, a space of action was organized where the Scientific Community, Pioneers and community in general could present and exchange on the results of the territory, favoring new knowledge generated by the scientific processes and the relationships that occur in this process between culture, social transformation, environment and participation, they have been a necessary element in the management and environmental education in the Science Hall, inaugurated more than 12 years ago by the Santiaguera Scientific Community and directed at the time by Dr. Giovanni Villalón García. The study of these relationships from a transformative and community-oriented perspective resulted in the formation of a strategy in order to minimize the negative impacts caused on the environment from the locality, and where dissimilar people and institutions are involved that aspire to transform the environment. This space is one of the priorities of the institution today, because it responds to the State Plan for the confrontation of climate change (Life Task).

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How to Cite
Medina BarrientosT., Dominguez QuevedoL., & Márquez MontoyaS. del C. (2019). Environmental Education and Scientific Culture for territorial development. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 19(36). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/268
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