The management and rehabilitation of the beach ecosystem in Santa Lucía, Camagüey; contribution to the fulfillment of the Aichi goals

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Rebeca González López del Castillo
Isis Hernández Sosa
José Miguel Plasencia Fraga
Eddy Martínez Quesada


The state and evolution of the beach was assessed from the results of morphologic and sedimentation changes of the profiles made in the web of points established in all sectors of the beach. Studies and specific actions were made that allowed: to identify the main natural and antropogenic pressures, introduction of a new technology for environment management and the execution of rehabilitation works that contributed to the fulfillment of two of the objectives and goals of Aichi. Among the main results are the dune restoration, rearrangement y maintenance of the sand fringe, construction of adequate access, revegetation with native species, phytoremediation as a part of the dune rehabilitation, elimination of invasive plant species of the first line of beach and the demolition of rigid structures in the coastal zone.

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How to Cite
González López del CastilloR., Hernández SosaI., Plasencia FragaJ. M., & Martínez QuesadaE. (2020). The management and rehabilitation of the beach ecosystem in Santa Lucía, Camagüey; contribution to the fulfillment of the Aichi goals. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 20(39). Retrieved from
Original Article


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