Contribution of the Municipal University Center to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the Turquino Bamburanao Plan, Villa Clara

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T.R Gómez Hernández
G González Hernández
Falcón Méndez A


Environmental education is part of the integral education of individuals. This work addresses the contribution of the Municipal University Center of Remedios, Villa Clara to reduce the causes that generate air, water and soil pollution, present in the Turquino Bamburanao Plan. Its objective is to present the results of the improvement in environmental education of university teachers to mitigate the manifestations of climate change in the Region. Based on the environmental problems present, generated by dumping of industrial waste from the Heriberto Duquesne Base Business Unit into the atmosphere, soils and river currents, which contribute to atmospheric warming, soil degradation, deforestation problems, loss of biological diversity, among others, is introduced in the improvement of the teachers who work in the Municipal University Center of Remedios: specialized conferences, self-preparation, methodological workshops, scientific-methodological seminars and workshops. Favorable results are verified through surveys, class observation, interviews, and educational testing of teachers. It highlights the call for attention to the need to strengthen awareness by key actors and professionals for the formation of an environmental culture in this strategic region of the country to mitigate the causes that generate the loss of biodiversity, quality of the waters, soil fertility, atmospheric warming and other manifestations that show climate change. It contributes to advancing towards sustainable development and preventing local development projects from aggravating environmental problems.

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How to Cite
Gómez Hernández T., González HernándezG., & AF. M. (2020). Contribution of the Municipal University Center to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the Turquino Bamburanao Plan, Villa Clara. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 18(35). Retrieved from
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