Environmental planning, importance for risk management, adaptation to change and climate variability.

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F. J. Primelles
M. O. Brito
H. D Peláez


The need to develop a culture of disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change and variability is increasingly evident from the recognition of the increased impact of disasters in today's world and the social nature of disaster risk given the participation in the social construction process in creating vulnerable conditions. Cuban environmental policy and management identify environmental ordering among its instruments, conceived as the projection of environmental policy in a given territory, its contribution to disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change is significant. The objective of the work is to analyze the contribution of environmental regulation to disaster risk management and adaptation to climate change and variability based on experiences developed in the province. The experience of developing the environmental management model in the municipality of Jimaguayú is presented, and some of the challenges faced by moving from emergency to a culture of disaster risk prevention and a resilience policy are analyzed.

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How to Cite
PrimellesF. J., BritoM. O., & PeláezH. D. (2020). Environmental planning, importance for risk management, adaptation to change and climate variability. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 18(34). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/249
Original Article


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