The Agrotourism. Their beginnings in the Viñales Valley

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Yuriennis Mesa
Martin H. Luís
Julia R. Mesa


The agrotourism is a modality of rural tourism that offers the visitor the possibility to have a direct exchange with the nature, the physical and human environment of the rural area, of its traditions and culture, carrying out activities characteristic of the field. In the places where the visitor settles she finds comfort and hospitality, and conditioned places according to her basic necessities but always with the natural touch of the traditional rural housings.

 In the worldwide grateful Valley of Viñales, this activity has come being developed soon after the incorporation of the municipality in the Program of Local Agricultural Innovation (PIAL), promoted along the country, with 2 families like first chancy to implement the proposal that has already left its first fruits, being some of them the generation of new revenues to the families and the incorporation of 5 new families to the activity.

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How to Cite
MesaY., LuísM. H., & Mesa J. R. (2020). The Agrotourism. Their beginnings in the Viñales Valley. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 18(34). Retrieved from
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