To Understand the Necessity for the Protection of the Environment Taking into accounts Marti’s Ideas in his Campaign Diary

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Juan Raciel Suárez Suárez
Yolexis Raciel Suárez Suárez
Beralia Suárez Torres


This article expresses the results about an investigation of great importance related to the necessity to favor the protection of the environment. The point of departure is based on Marti’s beautiful words about nature and specially what he wrote in his campaign diary. For the development of this article many empiric and theoretical methods were used. Here it is stated that Marti’s ideas about nature get every day more validity to educate in the knowledge, protection and enrichment of the environment.

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How to Cite
Suárez SuárezJ. R., Suárez SuárezY. R., & Suárez TorresB. (2020). To Understand the Necessity for the Protection of the Environment Taking into accounts Marti’s Ideas in his Campaign Diary. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 18(34). Retrieved from
Original Article


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