Design of a system of environmental management for the centers of investigations of the agriculture in Cuba."

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Dayana González Campos
Lisbet Xuárez Marill


In Cuba they exist evidences that the agricultural activity has provoked damages to the environment. Starting from the creation of the Environmental National (EAN) Strategy, the Ministry of the Agriculture (MINAG) like Organ of the Central Administration of the State constituted a Group of Environmental Management for the elaboration of its strategy. As part of this process it guided to the entities that compose the system of the agriculture, the implementation of a system of environmental (SGA) management starting from what Norma Cuban establishes NC ISO 14001: 2015. So far it has not been completed with this it commends. Inside this scenario the investigation centers whose fundamental activity has a high impact on the environment highlight. In this context he/she did show up the problem of what elements they are needed for the environmental management integrated in the institutes of investigations of the agricultural sector? He/she thought about as hypothesis: to achieve an environmental management integrated in the institutes of investigation of the agricultural sector he/she needs to incorporate the environmental aspects of the scientific (projects) investigation, the management of the energy payees, the management chemical products, the management of the residuals and the qualification actions. The general objective was to develop a system of environmental management that constituted a methodological reference. The materials employees for the gathering of data were the structured interview and NC ISO 14 001: 2015. As main results a system of environmental management was designed for institutes of investigations of the agricultural sector starting from the certain bases.

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How to Cite
González CamposD., & Xuárez Marill L. (2020). Design of a system of environmental management for the centers of investigations of the agriculture in Cuba.". Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 17(33). Retrieved from
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