The sustainability of the planning of the tourist architecture in the cuban beaches

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Lourdes Ruiz Gutiérrez


This paper presents elements concerning sustainability in architecture and tourist proposals for handling the negative environmental impacts of architectural planning in areas of beaches, which have been caused by constructive actions. For the purposes of this investigation this negative impact is defined as direct or indirect consequence of adverse character that occurs on natural ecosystems and socioeconomic , as a result of environmental change caused by an action or set of actions of human or anthropogenic. Case studies of interventions in coastal ecosystems of high ecological fragility as are the beaches on small islands or cays of Cuba are analyzed. Strategic lines of action approaches to sustainability for a respectful architectural intervention in these ecosystems highly vulnerable to environmental and socio-cultural aspects of the island region are proposed

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How to Cite
Ruiz GutiérrezL. (2020). The sustainability of the planning of the tourist architecture in the cuban beaches. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 17(32). Retrieved from
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