Some considerations on the development of the Cuban environmental managemet

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Jorge Mario García Fernández


The development of the Cuban environmental management is analyzed as a process marked by a number of natural, historical, political and economic country-specific conditions that have influenced both our development and, mostly, the conceptualization and practice of integral environmental management that we are trying to implement. The paper reveals remarkable moments contributing to understanding the evolution of our still-under-construction model and points out new threats and opportunities occurred at the close of the XX Century that have influenced the ripening process of the aforementioned model. Also, it is possible to distinguish key components and features of the process of the Cuban environmental management ripening and development; namely integrality; systematicity; harmony and coherence; intra and interinstitutional coordination; territoriality; decentralization; social participation; environmental education for sustainable development and access to environmental information; increasing international dimension and participation in the processes of negotiation on the environment and development. Likewise, guidelines and proposed for country environmental management ordering and it is stated that we are an alternative within the current world framework because of its theoretical and practical concepts as well as its organicity.

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How to Cite
García FernándezJ. M. (2002). Some considerations on the development of the Cuban environmental managemet. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 2(2). Retrieved from
Original Article


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