Agroindustrial evaluation of the impact of the zeolite in the cultivation of the sugar cane

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Neudelís Méndez Días
Miguel Soca Núñez


The sugar cane is the cultivation of greater economic, social and political importance of the State of Veracruz, Mexico. It is characterized by its productive potential, high economic profitability and the use of chemical fertilizers for such results. The objetive of the present study consisted on demonstrating the effect of the use of the zeolite in the development and production of this cultivation in the areas of influence of the "Ingenio Progreso"(Progreso Sugar Mile). For its was carried out such storage and agronomic tests in 58 production parcels with an extension of 1 hectare in each case and 3 types of soils corresponding one for each area of study, in total were carried out 240 measurings of height, thichness of the stem and yields by treatments as well as the impact of the zeolite in some indicators of the soil. The opposing results show that the compactation of the fertilizers used decreases in 50% and the cost in 10% without affectations in the indicators of soil and yields, being increased in a range from 5 to 13%.

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How to Cite
Méndez DíasN., & Soca NúñezM. (2020). Agroindustrial evaluation of the impact of the zeolite in the cultivation of the sugar cane. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 16(31). Retrieved from
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