Floristic characterization of the arboreal vegetation in the properties of the producers in the Canalete Valley, San Andrés town, La Palma, Pinar del Río, Cuba

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Amauri Rivero Arteaga
Filiberto Palomino Toledo


The present work was carried out in the Canalete valley, San Andrés area, Pinar del Río Province, with the objective of evaluating the state of the arboreal vegetation in the properties of the producers in the Canalete valley, keeping in mind such aspects as: families better represented, more abundant species, also calculating the indexes of wealth and diversity of species, which hurtled for their first floor values the existent interference to the ecosystem in the study area. That is why, expeditions were carried out to the field, being inventoried each property like an independent parcel. As a result a total of 6 families and 6 species were obtained for a total of 115 individuals in a general way.

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How to Cite
Rivero ArteagaA., & Palomino ToledoF. (2020). Floristic characterization of the arboreal vegetation in the properties of the producers in the Canalete Valley, San Andrés town, La Palma, Pinar del Río, Cuba. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 16(30). Retrieved from
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