Evaluation of the knowledge on agroterrorism and sanitary disasters in students and professors of Agricultural career

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Eligia de la C. Cuellar Valero
Caridad Terry Espinosa
Lisset Ponce Rancell


A descriptive study was carried out with qualitative focus that included to 47 students and 19 professors in Agricultural career of Sciences' Agrarian Faculty, Cienfuegos’ University "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez" of November and December of 2013, with the objective to evaluate the knowledge that the participants possess on Agroterrorism and sanitary disaster.  Theoretical and practical methods were applied, with your corresponding techniques (interviews, documental revision) that permited to collect information in aspects as: definitions of Agroterrorism and sanitary disasters, classifications of the dangers of disasters of sanitary origin, concept of agroterrorist aggressions and examples of these, that it is organized in tables and graphics elaborate in a specific way for the investigation.  The compilation of the data went prosecuted and subdued to a statistical analysis by means of the method of comparison of proportions for a P < 0.05, using the statistical package SPSS, version 11.5 for Windows. It was found that alone 12,7% of the students and 42,1% of the educational ones know on Agroterrorismo and sanitary disasters, 42,5% of the students and the professors' 68,4% they classified the same ones, 53,1% and 73,6% of pupils and educators respectively defined  the concept of Agroterrorismo correctly, but 27,6% of the student body and the educators' 63,1% exemplified this aggression type wisely. It concludes that the ignorance prevails on the topic in students and professors, since punctual deficiencies were detected as for the level of information in the studied matters, of there is necessity come off to boost the preparation in activities related with the surveillance, prevention and epizootics control and epiphytes at the agricultural sector and its training in the administration of risks of disasters. 

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How to Cite
Cuellar ValeroE. de la C., Terry EspinosaC., & Ponce RancellL. (2020). Evaluation of the knowledge on agroterrorism and sanitary disasters in students and professors of Agricultural career. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 15(29). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/219
Original Article


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