Environmental diagnosis to the community of workers of community television in Pinar del Río, Cuba.

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Milay Labrador Díaz
José Jaula Botet
Amelia Margarita Labrador Vento


The deterioration of the environment is consequence of the prevalent environmental knowledge, exacerbated by the current development styles with a high impact on the components of the nature. Cuba, on the other hand, is not exempt of this scenario, reason for the one which to promote and to restore the balance of the nature, it continues being a yearned dream. In that address, a challenge is imposed the workers of community television of Pinar del Río, and it is related with contributing to enrich the environmental culture, to create conscience, to foment values, to promote changes of attitude and of practical behaviors in the reduction or mitigation of the environmental problems. In the face of this necessity he/she was carried out the present investigation that thinks about as objective: To diagnose the current state of the environmental knowledge of the community of workers of community television, in the county of Pinar del Río, Cuba. They were assumed as theoretical suppositions that, the development of the environmental education should begin in the local community, because there they happen acts that deserve and immediate performance. In that sense, the community television could carry out an extraordinary function when guiding the speech toward the apprehension of a more coherent environmental knowledge with the necessities of the contemporary world. Among the methods and technical at level empiric employees in the diagnosis is necessary to mention, the documental analysis, the participant observation, the semi-structured interview, and the technique: Neighborhood Debates. Among the reached results they are the first floor level of environmental knowledge that possesses the community of workers of the channel of community television of Pinar del Río. You could also verify that the reproduction of the environmental messages of this community television responds to the formation that you/they have received along its lives the community of workers and that the treatment of the environmental questions in television is still insufficient. 

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How to Cite
Labrador DíazM., Jaula BotetJ., & Labrador VentoA. M. (2020). Environmental diagnosis to the community of workers of community television in Pinar del Río, Cuba. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 15(28). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/205
Original Article


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