Geological framework of natural hazards,vulnerability and risks in Equatorial Guinea

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L.F. Molerio León


The basic geological features of Equatorial Guinea are summarized in this paper as a contribution to contextualize the natural hazards, vulnerability and risks of the country. The outstanding value of this kind os assessment is the fact that the cultural and socioeconomic development plans of Equatorial Guinea has not considered in its real extent the fact that the country belongs to an active volcanic zone: The Cameroon Volcanic Line which as itself and together with the associated phenomena constitutes the major natural hazard of the country. To this particular one other hazards derived from the climate change should be added like those changes in the rainfall regime, sea level increase, induced migrations of the island and continental fauna and eventually of the population and ecosystem disequilibria as well as those particularly linked with the local landscape and hydrology of the small islands and the continental region of the country.

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How to Cite
Molerio LeónL. (2020). Geological framework of natural hazards,vulnerability and risks in Equatorial Guinea. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 14(26). Retrieved from
Original Article


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