Quality physical – chemical and bacteriologicalof Puerto Padre and Nipe bays. Comparison with Havana Bay

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Yamiris Gómez D´Angelo
Lisse Perez Lopez
Jesús Beltrán González


In this article the physical – chemical and bacteriological water quality of Puerto Padre (2011) and Nipe (2012) bays were evaluated. The physical – chemical parameters examinated were dissolved oxygen, nitrates, nitrites, ammonium, dissolved orthophosphate and total phosphorus. The thermotolerant coliforms weredeterminated as bacteriological indicator of fecal contamination. The results obtained were compared with the mean values detected in Havana Bay in 2012 and with the concentrations limits established in the Cuban Standard NC 25: 1999 and NC 22: 1999. The physical – chemical and bacteriological quality of  Puerto Padre and Nipe bays, in general sense, is satisfactory. Havana Bay is recognized as the ecosystem more affected  and specifically the station located at the Atares inlet was the one that presented a significant deterioration of the  water quality, because of it receives a high quantity of contaminants from different drains and ground contamination sources.

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How to Cite
Gómez D´AngeloY., Perez Lopez L., & Beltrán GonzálezJ. (2020). Quality physical – chemical and bacteriologicalof Puerto Padre and Nipe bays. Comparison with Havana Bay. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 13(25). Retrieved from https://cmad.ama.cu/index.php/cmad/article/view/191
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