Implementation of environmental technology in road project

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Marta Beatríz Díaz Alvarado


This study seeks to explore general considerations to implement the environmental technology in the road construction industry since the conception of a project. The study has the purpose to offer practical tools to project designers and planners at the time to make decisions regarding the potential variables that can be used in the project. The tools offered in the study were thought taking in consideration both, technologic-economic evaluations, and environmental evaluations. In addition, this research paper has the intention to influence designers and planners of new roads in the process of gaining conscience about environmental education. The study was also developed with the purpose of inspiring a new way of thinking, acting, and solving environmental challenges, which is crucial to keep a sustainable development of the infrastructure in our country.

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How to Cite
Díaz AlvaradoM. B. (2020). Implementation of environmental technology in road project. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 13(25). Retrieved from
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