Comunitary environmental education strategy at the Malecon-Vedado Popular Council

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Roani Ladislá Miranda Cuéllar
Silvia Miriam Pell del Río
Bárbara Viñet Hernández


The transformation of the societies, promoted from the interior of the communities, districts, neighbourhoods, generate the analysis of alternatives that they permit a new form of perceiving the cooperation, the collaboration and the work as a result of the common effort and starting from a capacitating not formal for sustainability. In the community, the proposal of physical activity, capacity multiple alternatives tied to the cooperated learning, with the particularity of being converted transformer of the conduct in agent and of the social behaviour, being a favourable frame in order to introduce the thematic environmental. The objective of this work is sample how the environmental manners on sustainability allows to develop social learning with the local actors, in order to achieve a social change in the location Square of the Revolution, in the Malecon- Vedado Popular Council. It was carried out the diagnosis and characterization of the Malecon-Vedado Popular Council, they worked hard several methods, technical and interviews, it as well as was carried out the consultation of specialists so that they offer their valuation on the nominative actions. Into like part of the Strategy was conceived that each action that carries off to the practice, communitarians is evaluated those that served like point for the actors, which expressed their criterions, of parting for the next actions

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How to Cite
Miranda CuéllarR. L., Pell del RíoS. M., & Viñet HernándezB. (2020). Comunitary environmental education strategy at the Malecon-Vedado Popular Council. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 12(22). Retrieved from
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