Application of the Borichansky-Mijailov modified algorithm to the computation of the interaction terrestrial water-sea water in karst coastal areas. I: Governing equations

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L.F. Molerio León
E.J. Balado Piedra


This is the first of two papers examining the Borichansky-Mijailov approach to the solution of the problem of velocity and salinity distribution in a marine water body receiving a concentrated (river or spring) source of fresh water under different conditions of lateral and bottom morphology of the flow system and without the effect of tides. The lateral and bottom friction forces and the corresponding coefficients as well as the parameter B which relates influent current width with the dispersion, diffusion and flow velocity were derived from independent studies in almost a hundred active or fossil discharging caves. The effects of sea level increase on the distribution of the salinity field and the eventual backflow of ground waters and the corresponding inland propagation of sea water intrusion , the relocation of new zones of aquifer discharge and the expected deterioration of soils and water quality will be produced selectively according to the distribution of the discharge velocity potential of ground waters. This information is basic to regionalize the mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change


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How to Cite
Molerio LeónL., & Balado PiedraE. (2020). Application of the Borichansky-Mijailov modified algorithm to the computation of the interaction terrestrial water-sea water in karst coastal areas. I: Governing equations. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 13(24). Retrieved from
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