Caribbean Sea, coastal zone and sustainability.

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Guillermo García Montero


The marine and coastal resources are unique and strategic factors for the economic and social development of the Caribbean region, and the small islands in particular. Their coasts have, perhaps, the more beautiful beaches of the world. In their seas and coasts take place processes and phenomena that surpass the narrow national interest to become important issues of the whole region. We experience similar processes and natural phenomena, and at the same time we have committed similar mistakes during the exploitation and management of marine and coastal resources whose study requires of permanent and systematic improvement of national capacities, as well as strong scientific basis. Without doubts, it is necessary to achieve an effective concertation of interests, a search to common objectives, as well as an appropriate exchange process that allows us all to learn mutually of the successes and mistakes, making sure the economic and social sustainability of our Region.

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García Montero G. (2001). Caribbean Sea, coastal zone and sustainability. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 1(1). Retrieved from
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