Centers of Creation of Capacities, the way to reach the goals of the local sustainable development and tool of the government's work

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Levis A Valdés González
Celso Pasos Alberdi
Sady Pantoja Águila


The potentialities that it shows the Ciego de Ávila province is the result of the achievements reached in the tasks and commitments assumed in the project international Savanna - Camagüey, Is was necessary that all the derived information of this project concentrates and contain in such way that constitutes a true work tool for the taking of decisions on the part of the local government in the territories. At the same time the interchange and popularization of the lessons learned in the different stages of the project Savanna-Camagüey, new knowledge scientific-technicians that without a doubt some will contribute to the development of the municipalities and the province will contribute. The presence of Centers of Creation of Capacities for the Integrated Handling of the Coastal Area (CCC-MIC) in the 10 municipalities of Ciego de Ávila province, it allows to elevate the level of acting of the institutions of the CITMA and to offer a practical contribution to the sustainable development. The objective of the work is centered in diagnosing through the womb of pressure, state, impact, answer (PEIR), the environmental situation of the prioritized sectors identified in the ten municipalities, to Identify the learning necessities and elaboration of the Programs of Environmental Education, formation of Environmental Promoters, proposal of programs of Environmental Administration for prioritized sectors and proposal of an interconnection model among the ten CCC-MIC that facilitates the visualization of the reached results

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How to Cite
Valdés GonzálezL. A., Pasos Alberdi C., & Pantoja ÁguilaS. (2020). Centers of Creation of Capacities, the way to reach the goals of the local sustainable development and tool of the government’s work. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 11(20). Retrieved from
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