Bioremediation of oil spill in the sea.

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R. R Núñez


Bioremediation is defined as the use of live organisms (bacteria) to remove, contain, or render harmless environmental contaminants in this case oil spill in the sea and other ecosystems.

Bioremediation has now been shown to be effective on a range of shoreline types. Field studies have demonstrated that in can be used successfully to clean the water, rocky, cobble and coarse sand shorelines.

"BIOIL-FC" is a bioproduct obtained from five marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria developed against oil pollution. The bioproduct was used with excellent results in different oil spill in Cuba happened in bays and beach. In all of cases the oil remotion was higher of 90 % in only 30 days.

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NúñezR. R. (2020). Bioremediation of oil spill in the sea . Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 10(19). Retrieved from
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