Performance un marine bacterial collection

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Margarita Morales
Eudalys Ortiz
Valia Caballero


Marine biodiversity is extremely high, a direct consequence of the extraordinary variability of marine ecosystems, the microorganisms from the sea have the capacity to produce new substances for the biotechnology field, in especial the marine bacteria because they produce secondary metabolites. The results of the studies, based on isolation, conservation and characterization of the heterotrophic marine bacteria, were carried out during 20 years thus, establishing the Collection of Marine Bacteria of CEBIMAR. In this collection are more than 400 cultures with 79 % Gram positive bacteria from the columns of sea water (61%). On the other hand, there were reported new species of heterotrophic bacteria for Cuban waters and there were showed the potentiality to produce new compounds of biotechnological interes in 93% of the whole studied cultures that could be applied on environmental cleansing and medical-pharmaceutical industries.

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How to Cite
MoralesM., OrtizE., & CaballeroV. (2020). Performance un marine bacterial collection . Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 10(19). Retrieved from
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