Main sources contaminants of surface water Moa river

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Alexis Montes de Oca Risco


This investigation has as objective to characterize the sources of contamination of the superficial waters of the Moa River to reduce the causes that originate it and its affectations. The main polluting sources are the activities mining-metallurgical, mining to open sky and metallurgical in the Cmte. Ernesto Che Guevara and Cmte. Pedro Sotto Alba Companies. In this investigation the different dangers and risks were also analyzed those that are subjected the lands that are inside the basin.  Finally propose the plan of environmental handling that should be adopted to prevent, to mitigate and/or to eliminate the negative environmental impacts that can happen on the land.

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How to Cite
Montes de Oca RiscoA. (2020). Main sources contaminants of surface water Moa river. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 10(18). Retrieved from
Original Article


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