Use of digital mapping for environmental education.

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M. G. Valdés
J. Alcaide Orpí
J. Olivera Acosta


In the present study shows the utility may have the use of digital mapping as a tool that contributes to environmental awareness in general. This experience has been developed in schools in the municipalities “Diez de Octubre” and “Cerro”, besides serving as a teaching tool for the dissemination of environmental issues that exists in these municipalities through Generalization Projects developed by the Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy. Knowledge is presented in a graphical manner through maps that express the results of the various municipal environmental studies, which are exposed to different levels of territorial management. The work has great importance for its application and power of generalization that is, because in a fun and makes scientific information to reach a large number of people at once, constituting a very fast track to introduce the results obtained in the investigations.

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How to Cite
ValdésM. G., Alcaide OrpíJ., & Olivera AcostaJ. (2020). Use of digital mapping for environmental education. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 10(18). Retrieved from
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