Actions to implement the strategy of environmental sanitation and vector control in pedagogical universities: Results of an experience

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L. Campos Martínez
I. Aguilar
M. Fernández Fernández


On the need to contribute to the development of a culture of prevention related to basic sanitation and vector control and design from the Ministry of Education, the strategy of integrated actions for all the teachings of the country at the Higher Pedagogical Institute "José Martí" actions have been proposed for implementation, in order to develop basic skills for this purpose in workers teaching, administrative and personnel training, which was a quarry Health Promoters in all contexts. We discuss further the results of the introduction of these actions.

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How to Cite
Campos MartínezL., AguilarI., & Fernández FernándezM. (2020). Actions to implement the strategy of environmental sanitation and vector control in pedagogical universities: Results of an experience. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 9(17). Retrieved from
Original Article


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