Design and implementation of a draft environmental education through english class in the second stage of the study of secondary education

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Susana C. Prieto Alfonso


At present, referring to the environment, it is not only enclosed  by the issue of natural resources, though the environment should be seen as an indivisible whole, as a system of relationships which represent the biological, physical, economic, social and cultural processes all related as a single unit. From this perspective, there are two major themes: teacher training in environmental issues as the most important promoter of the sensitization process, and as manager for modifying habits and behaviours of their students in the class, as well as, the reorganization of the curricula for the various disciplines, making it a motivating way for management and environmental education.  Environmental deterioration involves changes in the natural resources and these changes are due to human actions rather than some natural catastrophe. For this analysis, it is significant to note that English language teaching is definitely an essential way for environmental management and education. It is aimed at increasing and consolidating the social practices of language and the integration of students since reading and writing about environment make them be immerse naturally, and contributes in their training as social, professional, and consciously high – integrity in the diversity and complexity of the different ways to interact through this in the future. Moved by the interest of using all possible via to educate environmentally, a programme has been effectively developed as an annex to the English selected materials. It is a methodological approach that allows not only to adequate teacher’s training, but also, offers a suitable and authentic bibliography for their self-preparation.  It will properly make possible to extend to students the topic following its basic objectives for this discipline and its instruction.

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How to Cite
Prieto AlfonsoS. C. (2020). Design and implementation of a draft environmental education through english class in the second stage of the study of secondary education. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 9(17). Retrieved from
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