Integrating scientific information to decision-making process of ICZM: bioindication of heavy metals from macroalgae

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María Elena Castellanos González
Ángel R. León P
Ángel Moreira G
Clara E. Miranda V
Marianela Morales C


The experience had showed that the decision making, with scientific and participative fundaments, requires the development of socialized scientific tools to contribute to the success of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) that must be carried out in this zone due to its high fragility.   From this approach, the objective of this paper is to propitiate integration ways of the information, coming from the use of macro algae as bio indicators of the pollution from heavy metals in Cienfuegos Bay, towards the decision making process that must be developed by the Commission of Integrated Watershed and Coastal Area Management (IWCAM) of Cienfuegos Province, in order to direct the actions toward the phenomena of chemistry pollution that characterize this ecosystem. Starting from an analysis of internal advantages and disadvantages in the territory to achieve an effective integration of this knowledge, this paper has proposed different goals to reach, like the general actions that are focused directly to the community in a first step, which is identified as a key actor of this process and at the same time the less prepared for it, and as a second step, it is directed to decision makers, for which there were identified the involved parts and their functionality throughout a coherent and complete scheme (retro alimented) with an interdisciplinary, inter-sector, inter-actor and participative approach, in order to mitigate the present problem generated by the presence of heavy metals in this bay as a result of the technological intervention in the area.

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How to Cite
Castellanos GonzálezM. E., León P Ángel R., Moreira G Ángel, Miranda VC. E., & Morales CM. (2020). Integrating scientific information to decision-making process of ICZM: bioindication of heavy metals from macroalgae. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 7(13). Retrieved from
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