Protection within the National System of Protected Areas in Cuba

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Augusto Martínez Zorrilla
Berta Crespo Urquiola


The surveillance system and protection of the National System of Protected Areas of Cuba is presented in this paper. The same consists of all actions and measures to preserve, monitor, protect and maintain the integrity of the values and ensure the proper use of natural resources in protected areas through the system of protection and environmental education. The protection of areas is based on inspection activities, monitoring and environmental control of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and other bodies and agencies. To preserve and protect the integrity of the values protected in addition to the Rangers for each of the areas, working in close collaboration with the administration of the same, the Ranger Corps of the Ministry of Interior, the body of the Ministry of Fisheries Inspection The fishing industry and others such as the Soil and Forest Inspectors of the Ministry of Agriculture, particularly the State Forestry Service. These activities Monitoring and Protection of the National System of Protected Areas of Cuba, in addition to prevention activities in cases of natural disasters affecting the country and will increase due to the damages caused by climate change, becoming a challenge for conservation of protected areas in the XXI Century Cuban.

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How to Cite
Martínez ZorrillaA., & Crespo Urquiola B. (2020). Protection within the National System of Protected Areas in Cuba. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 7(13). Retrieved from
Original Article


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