Results of Best Practices application after an environmental management study in the factory Latinoamerican Explosive Union
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The result of an environmental management study performed in the Emulsion Factory belonging to Latinoamerican Explosive Union, near to the village ¨La Campana¨ are presented. The waste-water produced by the factory flowed out, affecting environment specially the source of water supply of the town. The main aim of the study was to reduce pollution charge and recommended some rules. The study was developed in three steps: 1) Detected and evaluated of each outlet originated during the production process of the Factory; 2) Recognized and diagnostic of the management praxis and 3) Recommended rules to decrease pollution charge, apply them and evaluate its impact. After application of recommended rules important result were obtained: The volume of water-waste were reduced in 53 %, nitrate amount in 142.4 kg/day, ammonium nitrate content in 51.8 kg/day, COD in 0.549 kg/day, and BOD5 in 0.443 kg/day, therefore spare in raw materials, water, energy as soon as reduction of environmental damages could be assumed. In addition the adopted modifications contributed to establishment in the factory of an accurate management procedure improving the system of quality and also the ecological education of the head members and workers.
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