Contribution of the Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption to sustainable development

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Bárbara Ivette Tortosa Ferrer


With the industrial development, the production and consumption of goods and services, jointly to intensive use of raw material, water and energy and the global environmental problems were increased. The natural resources are used indiscriminately as inputs or recipient of waste. For that reason, taking actions designed to achieve a sustainable development addressed to rational use of natural resources, the social equity in the consumption and salves must be a priority. In this article, we show, some assess on industrial development, as well as, some considerations about barriers for achieving a sustainable development. On the other hand, it shows how the adoption of international polices approached to the implementation of preventive actions addressed to reduce the human health and environmental risk by means of introduction of cleaner production practices and the adoption of sustainable and responsible consumption contribute to achieving a future sustainable development.

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How to Cite
Tortosa FerrerB. I. (2020). Contribution of the Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption to sustainable development. Cub@: Medio Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 7(12). Retrieved from
Original Article


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Otros materiales de consulta

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